Succulents as Centerpieces and Favors

A great way to incorporate a Hill Country theme is to use succulents at your wedding.
I love succulents as centerpieces and favors at Texas outdoor weddings. The plants can be arranged in so many ways and they keep living, so you can give them away as thank you gifts to family and friends.
Have a green thumb? You can do it yourself in advance - here are my tips:
1 - In Austin, I would go to Gardens or Big Red Sun for the best selection
2 - Fill your pots with a dry soil or sandy mix
3 - Replant your plants gently
4 - Spruce up the top of the soil with a small gravel or moss
5 - Do not water, or, barely water
6 - Place in a bright spot with filtered light
If you are taking plants that have become leggy or sprouted pups, I would cut the plant stalk off close to that the decorative part you like the best, then set it gently in the dry soil or sand mix. Do not set in wet soil or overwater, they will turn to mush. These plants can also weather rain, but not freezing rain, cover if you expect freezing rain.
Martha Stewart Weddings also has this darling photo of succulents as favors
Do your planting up to a few weeks in advance. Have fun!
Katy Roth
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